It has been said that every word, thought and event ever experienced is held in our memories.

Maybe, but one thing is undeniable ever word or action originates in our subconscious mind.

A reference to an iceberg with less than one percent exposed to the light and the vast ninety nine percent hidden under the waves of our subconscious we all have a deep unchartered territory to explore.

How do we access this power in a positive and constructive way?


We are hypnotized daily, when we first arise and then when drifting off to sleep.

A perfect opportunity to program our day or at night direct our dreams to answer questions, solve our problems and move our lives in positive ways.

The answers are within and with a kind professional nudge from a trained hypnotist the information received is invaluable.

In a Past Life Hypnosis session you are escorted, protected and guided on a journey to partake of stored memories.

It is not a prerequisite to believe in reincarnation just relax and listen.

As I say, round trip travel in the security of your home or office without luggage or jet lag.

Even if you travel through hypnosis a thousand years you will return refreshed with a different view and eager to apply any insights to better your current life situation.

Book your trip now!


Past lives 

Smoke Cessation- Unwanted habits- Weight Management

Offered in your home or office