Astrology is so much more than the question at some social gatherings “Hey, what’s your sign?”

An astrological chart depicts the exact moment when life begins. It may be of a person, their natal chart or of a new business or the beginning of a married couple’s journey together.

Also when any event happens a picture of the stars through an astrological chart gives information as to the event, it’s causes and it’s participants.

Many might ask, ”Did astrology foretell the Corona Virus?”

Well, in fact, it did!

In the astrology chat rooms and mentioned on several talk shows in 2019 was the conjunction on January 12, 2020 of Pluto and Saturn in the sign Capricorn indicating what could be a devasting worldwide event.

Pluto represents death and rebirth like the ancient god of the underworld. Saturn is the strict teacher forcing us to learn our lessons both were conjunct in the earth sign of Capricorn.

The optimistic news is with astrology one can see when the danger will leave.

The planets are moving and interact with each other through aspects which are the distance between them and today as of this writing Saturn is moving into the sign of Aquarius.

Some relief of the virus will be evident but caution because in late July Saturn returns to Capricorn within striking distance of the same aspect, a conjunction, which brought us the problem originally.

There will be up’s and down’s, however in March of 2021 we can expect a vaccine and/or new information that will come to light and release us from fear.

Your astrological chart is the blueprint of the soul!

Categories: Astrology